IAA Laurels in Athens

IAA Laurels

On the occasion of the Academy Day Athens held on July 16, 2022, the IAA 2021 Laurels for Team Achievement was presented to the team of scientists from NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, first mission into the solar corona “to touch the Sun.”

Photo: (From left) Marius-Ioan Piso, IAA vice president for scientific activities; Chrysoula Kourtidou-Papadeli, IAA vice president for awards and membership; Nour Raouafi, Parker Solar Probe project scientist, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL); Ralph McNutt, Parker Solar Probe science team member, APL; Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate; Adam Szabo, Parker Solar Probe mission scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; and John Schumacher, IAA president.
