Study Groups

Study Groups Overview

As stated in the IAA Bylaws paragraph 4.2.1, The President, as the Chief Executive Officer, shall serve as Chairperson of the Board. The President shall direct and supervise the general business, publications, scientific programs, finances and other activities of the Academy pursuant to the Statutes, Bylaws, established policies and decisions of the Academy or the Board. The President appoints members of Standing Committees, all Academy Commissions, Program Committees and Study Groups and their Chairpersons and other officers as appropriate, except for the Nominating Committee, in consultation with the respective Vice President or Section Chairperson and with the approval of the Board as required.

In the paragraph 4.6.1 The Scientific Activities Committee (SAC) shall assist the Vice President for Scientific Activities in the performance of his or her duties relating to the preparation and conduct of the Academy’s scientific research and other endeavors, including the management of the Academy Commissions, Program Committees and Study Groups, meetings and conferences, and international communications within the astronautical sciences. The Scientific Activities Committees reviews the work of Program Committees and the reports of Study Groups, and makes recommendations relating to these to the Board of Trustees. This Committee also recommends appointments of Chairpersons and members of Academy Commissions, Program Committees and Study Groups.

Practical Procedure

Creation – All IAA Study Groups listed in the official website are recognized as IAA study groups. In order to establish a Study Group the IAA need to receive from the appropriate commission and duly completed the “Proposal for Forming an IAA Study Group”, a list of proposed members with addresses, a scope and a schedule. When this information is received the Secretary General transmit to the SAC for decision at its next meeting. The Secretary General give a Study Group number and post the information on the web. All documents and detailed procedures are available at the Scientific Activity section.

Reporting – All reporting must be posted on the web via the IAA secretariat. If no progress reports provided by the commissions, the secretariat in February and September each year, will prepare a substitute report to update the various status charts in time for the next SAC meeting.

Approval of a Report – Approval of a report must be done according the following sequence:

1- Draft report submitted to the Commission,

2- Study Pre-Review handled by the Commission,

3- Peer Reviewed process handled by the SAC Vice-Chair and report submitted to the SAC for approval,

4- Report presented by SAC to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

5- The Secretary General give a written response on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

Publication – Publication of studies are the sole responsibility of the Academy and not the study group members. Copyright is given to the Academy. IAA Proprietary information must be incorporated on the back cover page (see Study Group rules).

How to propose a new Study Group

Study Groups can originate internally from Commissions or individual IAA members or from an external request to the IAA.
IAA Members or Corresponding Members wishing to organize a Study Group Report must complete the brief

Proposal for Forming an IAA Study Group form

Some clarifying comments relative to completing the form:
• Members of the Study Team should reflect the international and interdisciplinary criteria of the Study. The Study Chair must be an IAA Member or CM. Other membership should be selected with the interest and proper expertise to perform a high quality study.
• The Overall Goal should be defined so that meaningful results will be ready for peer review within three years. This time period may be extended in special cases with the permission of the Vice President for Scientific Programs.
• Methodology should describe the process by which the Overall Goals will be achieved. This includes information gathering using mechanisms such as IAA Symposia and Technical Sessions, evaluation approach, possible interim reporting to focus the study, and format of the final report (Global Study, position paper, etc.).
• Target Community is intended to define who or what organizations could act on or react to the Report.
• Support Needed will not be applicable in most cases, but if certain organizational or resource needs are believed necessary to support the Study Methodology, they should be defined.

The Lead Commission Secretary should be available to assist the Study Group Proposer in developing a worthwhile and practical study proposal, and to expedite getting valuable studies underway. If needed, the Section Liaison members of the Commission should identify candidate Study Group members with the required expertise. The Lead Commission Chair should review the scope of the proposed Study for overlap with other Commissions and involve other Chairs, as appropriate, to assure proper representation and evaluation. The Commission Chairs have been delegated responsibility by the President for appointing Study Group Chairs and Members, with Presidential concurrence required for studies initiated by the President or by an external request. The formal appointment letters signed by the Commission Chairs will be sent by the IAA secretariat. After approval by an Academy Commission(s) the proposal is forwarded to the Vice President for Scientific Programs, who will inform the IAA Board of the creation of the Study Group and its membership, and report to the Board periodically on Study progress.

Study Report Rules

IAA Study Groups must follow the following rules:

Study Groups Guidelines

Study Group proposal form

Study Group status report form

Study Group review report form
