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IAA Newly Elected Members received their certificates and IAA pins from IAA President John Schumacher, IAA Vice-President Scientific Activities Ralph McNutt, IAA Vice-President Awards & Membership Chrisoula Kourtidou-Papadeli, IAA Vice-President Publications & Communication Marius-Ioan Piso, and IAA Vice-President Finance Shigeki Kinai, on Sunday 13 October 2024 in Milan, Italy during the IAA Award Dinner ceremony. Photo: John Schumacher (USA), Shigeki Kinai (Japan), Yasuhiro Kawakatsu (Japan), Satomi Kawamoto (Japan), Marco Sabatini (Italy), Nicola Sparvieri (Italy), Chrysoula Kourtidou-Papadeli (Greece), Ralph McNutt (USA), Marius-Ioan Piso (Romania), Jean-Michel Contant (France).
Charles Bolden, IAA Member of the Social Sciences section, received the Theodore von Karman Award of the International Academy of Astronautics on October 13, 2024 in Milan, Italy. Photo: Julie Payette (Canada), Charles Bolden (USA), Jean-Michel Contant (France), John Schumacher (USA).
Please see our Media Section to access the most recent press releases issued by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). Announcements on IAA new members 2024 and IAA Awards 2024 are now available on the occasion of the October 13, 2024 Academy Day in Milan, Italy. Please visit THE ACADEMY/MEDIA/IAA Press Releases Photo: IAA
Prof. Wu Meirong was the Director General of the China Center for Resources Satellite Data & Application (CRESDA), Beijing, China. She was responsible for the design and development of the Data Processing System for the transmitted data from three sensors (CCD, IRMSS and WFI) aboard the first of China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-1) and received by three ground stations simultaneously. She participated in the development of automatic pre-launch testing and checking systems for different launchers. She also participated in the design of 1st digital control for launchers. She was responsible for the development of methods for the testing, evaluating and replacing critical components of rockets to extend its storage life to three times its designed value. With such a record, she was elected a member of the International Academy of Astronautics in 2001 after a bright leadership of an IAA symposium in China. She started to be member of the IAA Board of Trustees, Social Sciences, in 2003 under the presidency of Ed Stone and the vice-Presidents K. Kasturirangan (India), Hiroki Matsuo (Japan), Yuri Koptev (Russia) and Hubert Curien (France). Her twenty years at the IAA Board were highlighted with responsibilities in various standing committees including the finance committee where she successfully stimulated support in China. In 2014 Prof. Wu Meirong received the most prestigious award of the Academy, the von Karman Award. She was the second woman to receive this premier award. Before her, only Eilene Galloway (USA) received such a distinction in 1986 and after her, only last year Chiaki Mukai (Japan) received such a distinction. The 2014 award ceremony was quite special as it happened during the gala dinner at the Ronald Reagan World Trade Center of Washington DC, USA, in front of 500 participants and 35 Heads of Space Agencies for the largest Summit ever organized. Prof. Wu Meirong passed away on July 28, 2024, in Beijing at the age of 88. As per the wishes of her family, the farewell ceremony will be held at 10 am on August 1, 2024, in the Orchid Hall of Babaoshan Funeral Home. In addition to her expertise, we will all remember her mastering to speak several languages, her impressive leadership among scientific audiences, her culture in art and wonderful voice to sing opera among friend circles. We are missing not only a real scientific expert but a friend for so many all over the world.
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