The International Academy of Astronautics will hold its 11th conference on Space Traffic Management in Austin, TX, USA on March 04-05 2025
May 4, 2025
8:00 am
The symposium will provide a forum for scientists, engineers and managers to exchange information about planned and on-going programs and missions, and present new ideas, covering small satellite mission objectives as well as technology and management aspects for dedicated earth observation satellites.
The International Academy of Astronautics will hold its 9th conference in 2025 in Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa. The bi-annual conference brings together world experts to discuss the threat to Earth posed by asteroids and comets and actions that might be taken to deflect a threatening object.
June 9, 2025
8:00 am
The International Academy of Astronautics has been fostering global cooperation in human and robotic space exploration for more than five decades. With the return to the Moon already started with robotics spacecraft and with humans in the next few years, planning for exploration beyond LEO is becoming finally a reality, while it is expected that the world’s space agencies will leave much of the work in LEO to private organizations.
With the support of AIDAA, the goals of this new Symposium are to present the final results of IAA activities related to programs beyond LEO, beginning with the Moon Village vision. The Moon Village is considered the next logical step for humans beyond LEO and a stepping stone for Mars exploration and other interplanetary journeys.