IAA Latin American Conference on Small Satellite Technologies and Applications

Salta, Argentina
IAA Latin American Conference on Small Satellite Technologies and Applications04-09 November 2024
IAA Latin American Conference on Small Satellite Technologies and Applications

The Conference follows a history of IAA events in Latin America, which started with the 1st Cubesat Workshop in Brasilia in 2014, and the 1st Small Satellites Symposium in Buenos Aires in 2017.

The objectives of the event are: to allow experts and students from the Region to learn the latest worldwide developments in small satellite technologies and applications, to have an opportunity to present the regional developments to colleagues from Latin America and the rest of the World, and, to create and strengthen networks of cooperation that enable and increase regional participation in small satellite activities.

For more detailed information, please visit the conference website at:

The conference will have a special session that allows the presentation of space related topics which are not specifically ‘small satellites’ related (for example the ‘Salta, window to the Universe’ program, which includes several deep space observatories in the Puna region, will be discussed).

On November 8th, there will be a unique three-hour demonstration of a Concurrent Design Facility functioning, which is of interest for all complex project developers.

The format will have scientific and technical sessions, with presentations by the authors of the abstracts selected by the Academic Committee, and on the last day it will host a series of workshops and competitions for all levels of education (primary to university).
Student participation is much encouraged. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

(An effort has been put in reducing the fees to the minimum for an event of this size and quality. However, if a person cannot afford the fee, they should send an e-mail to iaalacss2024@gmail.com, and sponsorship will be considered on a case by case basis).

Conference Program
General information on the program
About LACSS 2024
Learn more about the LACW 2022.

For Media registration, please contact the LOC.

Call For Papers

Find the call including topic areas for papers...

Abstract Submission & Guidelines

Find the submission process including templates and guidelines

IAA Publications

Publications related to the conference


Information to apply for sponsorship...

Workshops & Competitions

Paper Rocket, Drawing, Astromobile, Stratospheric experiment


Registration fees...


Workshop venue...

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