International Academy of Astronautics, Chinese Society of Astronautics and Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology will jointly hold the 10th CSA-IAA Conference on Advanced Space Technology (Shanghai•China) on 13-16 September, 2023. The conference will focus on the theme of “Space in Future”, conduct in-depth discussions on space development, and further expand international cooperation in the field of space.
For more detailed information, please visit the conference website at:

1. Development and Prospect in Deep Space Exploration
1) International Lunar Research Station
2) Planetary Exploration
3) Manned Lunar and manned Mars Exploration
4) Asteroid Defense
2. Directions of Space Transportation in Future
1) Heavy Launch Vehicles
2) Reusable Delivery System
3) Non-polluting Form Spectrum of Rocket Development
4) In-orbit and Suborbital Flights
5) Commercial Launch Vehicle
3.New Trends, Breakthroughs of Satellite and its Applications
1) Advanced Satellite Platform Technology
2) New Space Payload Technology
3) Satellite Application Technology
4) Micro Satellite Technology
5) Satellite Network Technology
6) On-orbit Maintenance and Space Debris Mitigation Technology
4. Future Direction of Guidance, Navigation and Control
1) Advanced Control Theory and Method
2) Spacecraft Intelligence/Navigation, Guidance and Control Technology
3) New Type of Sensor, Controller and Actuator Technology
4) Advanced Simulation and Experimental Techniques in Astronautic Control
5) Artificial Intelligence and it’s Application in Astronautic Control
5. Breakthrough Technology in Space Power System
1) New Model of Efficient Conversion of Space Energy and in Situ Utilization
2) New Pattern of Spatial Multisource Dynamic Networking and Comprehensive, Efficient Management
3) New Technology of Energy Storage and Process Control in Dense Space
4) Innovation of Power Degradation Mechanism and Reinforce in Space
5) Innovative Combination of Intellectual and Power Technology
6) Other Advanced Power Related Technology
6. New Mode of Cooperation for Future Space Development
1) Future International Cooperation in Space
2) Exploration and Utilization of Outer Space Resources
3) Building Outer Space Community with a Shared Future
July 10, 2023 Abstract Deadline
July 25, 2023 Author Notification
August 20, 2023 Full Paper Deadline
August 25, 2023 Early Registration Deadline
September 10, 2023 Registration Deadline
under construction
under construction
Contact information:
LUO Yiwei 86-10-68768623
ZHANG Sujia 86-21-24180565
All media needs to be accredited to access the venue center. A link to media accreditations will be provided.
Find here information on the submission process
Abstract Submission
1. Abstracts and full paper should be written in English and submitted to:
2. A typical abstract would be word format, no more than 500 words.
3. Papers accepted will be compiled into conference proceedings.
We will recommend the best papers to be published in academic journals, such as Shanghai Aerospace, Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology, Journal of Deep Space Exploration, Acta Astronautica.