Space technology is an important part of the sustained development strategy for the nations. It has an undeniable impact on our societies and helps improve the quality of life of the people around the world thanks to it enabling telecommunications, improving the planning and public services provision, providing enhanced emergencies management, and allowing environmental protection, among many others.
The IAA Latin American CubeSat Workshop and the IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites bring a unique opportunity to discuss and talk about CubeSats and SmallSats technologies, which have a remarkable momentum in the space industry worldwide. Let’s share experiences and knowledge on space matters among professionals, researchers, students, and companies from the Region and around the world!

The event will cover technical novelties and tutorial overviews on CubeSat and small satellites related topics including but not limited to:
Specific to Small Satellites
– SSs Interplanetary Missions
– Worldwide SSs Missions
– Latin American SSs missions
– SSs subsystems’ developments
– Distributed Architectures
Specific to CubeSats
– CubeSat innovative missions and applications
– CubeSats future payloads and experiments
– CubeSat in-orbit experience
– Technical novelties on PocketQubeSat, BalloonSat, TubeSat, CanSat and other standards
SSs and CubeSats
– Qualification and testing
– Remote sensing and Earth observation
– Launch opportunities
– Space debris
– Ground segment and stations network
– Deep space missions
– University satellite missions
– Developments in propulsion systems
– Developments in Orbit Determination and Navigation

Authors are invited to submit a one-page extended abstract (max 400 words), in English, by 15 June 2022
Manuscripts will be accepted based on the quality of the extended abstract, the originality of the work and/or ideas, and the anticipated interest in the proposed subject. Submissions that are based on experimental results, current data, or reports on ongoing missions are especially encouraged. During the reviewing process, the works will be selected for presentation in oral or poster sessions, according to their relevance.
All papers must be submitted online through It is recommended to proof read the paper before submission.
The deadline for the complete manuscript submission is by 15 September 2022.
The complete manuscript must be written in English, and must contain the paper title, the author names, their corresponding affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses. The paper shall be prepared using the conference format.
Please note that the presenting author of each accepted paper has to register to the event.
07-10 November 2022 | Workshop |
15 June 2022 | Extended Abstract Submission |
15 June 2022 | Tutorial Proposal |
30 June 2022 | Acceptance Notification |
15 September 2022 | Full Paper Submission Deadline |
30 September 2022 | Camera Ready |
Information will be posted when available
General chairs
Antonio F. B. A. Prado, PhD, The University of Texas System, IAA Member
Chantal Cappelletti, PhD, University of Nottingham, IAA Member
Eduardo Augusto Bezerra, PhD, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Jean-Michel Contant, Dr., IAA secretary
Program chair
Laio Oriel Seman, Dr., Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Program Committee
Ana Maria Ambrósio, INPE, Brazil
Anna Guerman, Universidade Beira Interior, Portugal
Chantal Cappelletti, University of Nottingham, UK
Eber Huanca Cayo, Universidad Catolica San Pablo, Peru
Ediz Cetin, Macquarie University, Australia
Eduardo Augusto Bezerra, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Eugenio Urrutia, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), Mexico
Filippo Graziani, IAA/GAUSS, Italy
Geilson Loureiro, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil
Jenny Carolina Robledo Asencio, INPE, Brazil
José Marcelo Lima Duarte, INPE, Brazil
Kleber Pinheiro Naccarato, INPE, Brazil
Leonardo Kessler Slongo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Livio Gratton, Colomb Institute (CONAE-UNSAM), Argentina
Luigi Dilillo, CNRS / LIRMM, France
Luis Zea, University of Colorado, USA
Maria Cecilia P. Faria, UFMG, Brazil
Mikhail Ovchinnikov, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russia
Otavio Santos Cupertino Durão, CRON, Brazil
Paulo Ricardo Cechelero Villa, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Brazil
Renato Alves Borges, Universidade de Brasilia (UnB), Brazil
Riccardo Bevilacqua, University of Florida, USA
Ronald Buss De Souza, INPE, Brazil
Ronnie Nader, Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA), Ecuador
Shinichi Nakasuka, University of Tokyo, Japan
Simone Battistini, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Walter Abrahão Dos Santos, INPE, Brazil
Yu Xiaozhou, Dalian University of Technology, China
Organizing Committee
Local arrangements:
• Rodrigo Leonardi, AEB, Brazil
• Cristiano Trein, AEB, Brazil
5th IAA Latin American Cubesat Workshop
General chairs:
• Chantal Cappelletti, IAA, University of Nottingham, UK
• Eduardo Bezerra, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Program chair:
• Laio Oriel Seman, UFSC/UNIVALI, Brazil
3rd IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites
General chairs:
• Rainer Sandau, IAA, Germany
• Livio Gratton, IAA, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
For Media registration, please contact the LOC.
Find the leaflet including topic areas for papers...
Call for Papers
The event will cover technical novelties and tutorial overviews on CubeSat and small satellites related topics including but not limited to:
Specific to Small Satellites
– SSs Interplanetary Missions
– Worldwide SSs Missions
– Latin American SSs missions
– SSs subsystems’ developments
– Distributed Architectures
Specific to CubeSats
– CubeSat innovative missions and applications
– CubeSats future payloads and experiments
– CubeSat in-orbit experience
– Technical novelties on PocketQubeSat, BalloonSat, TubeSat, CanSat and other standards
SSs and CubeSats
– Qualification and testing
– Remote sensing and Earth observation
– Launch opportunities
– Space debris
– Ground segment and stations network
– Deep space missions
– University satellite missions
– Developments in propulsion systems
– Developments in Orbit Determination and Navigation
Authors are invited to submit a one-page extended abstract (max 400 words), in English, by 15 June 2022
Manuscripts will be accepted based on the quality of the extended abstract, the originality of the work and/or ideas, and the anticipated interest in the proposed subject. Submissions that are based on experimental results, current data, or reports on ongoing missions are especially encouraged. During the reviewing process, the works will be selected for presentation in oral or poster sessions, according to their relevance.
All papers must be submitted online through It is recommended to proof read the paper before submission.
The deadline for the complete manuscript submission is by 15 September 2022.
The complete manuscript must be written in English, and must contain the paper title, the author names, their corresponding affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses. The paper shall be prepared using the following format:
– Paper: standard A4 paper (21.0 × 29.7 cm), one column format
– Page limit: 10 pages.
– Margins: 2.54 cm (all sides)
– Title: 12 pt bold, Arial, centered, all capital letters
– Author names: 12 pt bold, Arial, centered
– Affiliation: 12 pt italic, Arial, centered
– Abstract body: 12 pt, Arial, justified with single line spacing
– Equations, figures, literature may be included with references in the body text
– Paper body: 12 pt, Arial, justified with single line spacing
– Page numbers must not be added to the manuscript
Please note that the presenting author of each accepted paper has to register to the event.
Available templates:
Extended abstract 15 June 2022 |
Full manuscript – deadline: 15 September 2022 (for all accepted papers, including oral and poster presentations!) |
Please, submit your 400 words abstract using easychair’s on-line form. | MS-Word [docx file] |
LATEX – overleaf [see driver.tex] | |
Manuscript – PDF [PDF file generated by overleaf] |
Poster presentations |
Template for MS-Office – Power Point [PosterTemplate-91CMx122CM.pptx] |
Please, follow the Easy Chair link next to submit your paper (click on the Easy Chair logo):
Easychair will accept paper submissions only in the PDF format.
The workshop’s working language is English.
Presentation guidelines – Each presenter will have up to 15 minutes to present their work, and to answer questions from the audience. It means around 10 to 12 minutes for presenting the work, and the remaining couple of minutes for discussion with the audience.
– Presentation of IAA-LACW papers must be in English.
– Projector, microphone and computer will be available in the room.
– Please bring your presentation on USB flash drive, as we cannot guarantee software compatibility, you are kindly requested to bring your presentation in your desired format but also please in PDF format.
– Files can be uploaded to the local computer in the lecture room during the breaks between the sessions.
Find the submission process including templates and guidelines
Authors are invited to submit a one-page extended abstract (max 400 words), in English, by 15 June 2022
Manuscripts will be accepted based on the quality of the extended abstract, the originality of the work and/or ideas, and the anticipated interest in the proposed subject. Submissions that are based on experimental results, current data, or reports on ongoing missions are especially encouraged. During the reviewing process, the works will be selected for presentation in oral or poster sessions, according to their relevance.
All papers must be submitted online through It is recommended to proof read the paper before submission.
The deadline for the complete manuscript submission is by 15 September 2022.
The complete manuscript must be written in English, and must contain the paper title, the author names, their corresponding affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses. The paper shall be prepared using the following format:
– Paper: standard A4 paper (21.0 × 29.7 cm), one column format
– Page limit: 10 pages.
– Margins: 2.54 cm (all sides)
– Title: 12 pt bold, Arial, centered, all capital letters
– Author names: 12 pt bold, Arial, centered
– Affiliation: 12 pt italic, Arial, centered
– Abstract body: 12 pt, Arial, justified with single line spacing
– Equations, figures, literature may be included with references in the body text
– Paper body: 12 pt, Arial, justified with single line spacing
– Page numbers must not be added to the manuscript
Please note that the presenting author of each accepted paper has to register to the event.
Available templates:
Extended abstract 15 June 2022 |
Full manuscript – deadline: 15 September 2022 (for all accepted papers, including oral and poster presentations!) |
Please, submit your 400 words abstract using easychair’s on-line form. | MS-Word [docx file] |
LATEX – overleaf [see driver.tex] | |
Manuscript – PDF [PDF file generated by overleaf] |
Poster presentations |
Template for MS-Office – Power Point [PosterTemplate-91CMx122CM.pptx] |
Please, follow the Easy Chair link next to submit your paper.
Easychair will accept paper submissions only in the PDF format.
The workshop’s working language is English.
Presentation guidelines – Each presenter will have up to 15 minutes to present their work, and to answer questions from the audience. It means around 10 to 12 minutes for presenting the work, and the remaining couple of minutes for discussion with the audience.
– Presentation of IAA-LACW papers must be in English.
– Projector, microphone and computer will be available in the room.
– Please bring your presentation on USB flash drive, as we cannot guarantee software compatibility, you are kindly requested to bring your presentation in your desired format but also please in PDF format.
– Files can be uploaded to the local computer in the lecture room during the breaks between the sessions.
Publications related to the conference
The Workshop Proceedings will be published in the “IAA Book Series – Proceedings”
Information to apply for sponsorship...
Sponsorship Information
For detailed information, please contact the LOC.
Workshop venue...
The workshop will take place at the Conference Hall of the Federal Highway Police (Auditório da Polícia Rodoviária Federal)
Address: Setor Policial (SPO), Quadra 03, Lt.05, Complexo Sede da PRF. CEP 70610-909 – Brasília/DF, Brazil
+55 (61) 2025-6879 / +55 (61) 2025-6781 / +55 (61) 2025-6782