Upon invitation of the Johns Hopkins University, APL, the International Academy of Astronautics celebrated the 2021 Laurels for Team Achievement to the Parker Solar Probe Team on Wednesday 25 January 2023. The IAA President John Schumacher and the Secretary General Jean-Michel Contant were present with the Trustee Chairman of the Basic Sciences Section, Ralph L. McNutt, Jr, to recognize and congratulate the Principal Science Team members, the Core Spacecraft Team and the NASA Team. Photo: Parker Solar Probe science team members, group picture.

On September 17, 2022, the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Space Traffic Management (STM). Full text is available here. Photo: from left to the right: John Schumacher, USA, Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Germany, Corinne Jorgenson, USA, Pascale Ehrenfreund, Austria, Christophe Bonnal, France, Maruska Strah, Austria, Darren McKnight, USA.

Johann-Dietrich Woerner, IAA Member of the Engineering Sciences, received the Engineering Sciences Award 2020 of the International Academy of Astronautics on September 17, 2022 in Paris, France. Photo: from left to the right: Jean-Michel Contant, France, Ralph McNutt, USA, Filippo Graziani, Italy,  Johann-Dietrich Woerner, Germany.

Olga Bannova, IAA Corresponding Member of the Social Sciences received the Social Sciences Book Award 2022 of the International Academy of Astronautics on September 17, 2022 in Paris, France. from left to the right: Jean-Michel Contant, Ralph McNutt, Olga Bannova, Filippo Graziani.

Francisco Mendieta Jimenez, IAA Member of the Social Sciences received the Theodore von Karman Award of the International Academy of Astronautics on September 17, 2022 in Paris, France. Photo: from left to the right: Marius-Ioan Piso, Romania, John Schumacher, USA, Francisco Mendieta Jimenez, Mexico,  Jean-Michel Contant, France.

6 rue Galilee, IAA Office, Aeroclub de France building, Paris, France 09h30  Opening of the Academy Day, John Schumacher, IAA President, M2 09h40  Space Policy between Science and International Affairs, Flaminio Cianci, CM4 10h05  IAA Study 6.17 Multicultural foundations and influences of human space exploration, Jacques Arnould, M4, Louis Laidet, M2, Scott Madry, CM4 10h30  Moon Farside Protection, Claudio Maccone, M1, Nicolo Antonietti, CM1 11h00  Presentation of the speaker, Serge Flamenbaum, M2 11h05  The European Science Foundation (ESSC) organisation and mission, Emmanouil Detsis, Executive Scientific Secretary 11h15 Questions and discussions 11h35 UNISEC presentation, Rei Kawashima, M4 11h45 MOU signature IAA-UNISEC 12h00 Lunch (upon registration) 13H30 "60 Years of France in Space: Impact of French Space Policy" Presentation of the speakers, Oti Liepack, M4, and Louis Laidet, M2 13h35  Introduction, Lionel Suchet, M3 13h40  Access to space, Jean-Marc Astorg, M2 14h05  Space applications and Sciences, Gérard Brachet, M4 14h35  France in the European space program, Jean-Jacques Dordain, M2 15h05  Summary and short outlook, Philippe Baptiste, President of CNES 15h15  "Should humans go to Mars?”, Bo Andersen, M1, Researcher at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, former Director General Norwegian Space Agency 15h45  Presentation of the Team, Daniel Neuenschwander, M2, Director of Space Transportation, ESA Laurels for Team Achievements 2022: Ariane 5 Team Europe for JWST Launch (Telescope to the Lagrange Point), ESA: Daniel deChambure; CNES: Marie-Anne Clair, M4; Arianespace: Beatriz Romero; ArianeGroup: Olivier Ricouart 16h15  Questions and discussion 16h30 End of Session 18h30  Cocktails (in advance registration) 19h00 Induction Ceremonies for Newly Elected IAA Academicians (in advance registration) 20h00  Awards Gala Dinner (in advance registration) 22h30  End
