The symposium on the Peaceful Use of Space Technology – Health (IPSPACE 2021) will take place on November 18 – 20, 2021.
A broad theme of IPSPACE 2021 is peaceful use of space technology on human health with the slogan “One Space, One Home” will gather scientists, entrepreneurs, educators, scholars, and professionals in health, spatial IT, education, finance, insurance, energy and more. On 18 November 2021 the opening Ceremony will be followed by a plenary session on the theme: Peaceful Use of Space Technology and Sustainable Development.
Similarly to what was done at the 2018 and 2019 symposia, the program will focus on peace, collaboration and innovation. IPSPACE will be an online and offline hybrid event in multiple locations around the world with 1 plenary session, 9 tracks, and 1 exhibition.
A student paper/poster competition will be held, and papers/posters eligible for the student competition should be indicated as such during submission. Limited student financial support may be available; students may inquire with the organizing committee laison:

IPSPACE 2021 Call for Papers is available.
Key Values of the 2021 Symposium includes:
-Focus on the peaceful use of space technology and share the application prospects of space technology
-Pay attention to public health safety and management, and explore the application of space technology in global anti-epidemic
-Latest achievements of space IT + medical AI, see global cutting-edge technology
-Deeply participate in commercial space and new space economy capital event
Topic areas for papers (online and offline) include:
T1 Deepening Application of Spatial IT in New Era & Human Sustainable Development
T2 Space Law
T3 Space Technology and Human Health
T4 Green Space Propulsion Opportunities and Prospects
T5 Space Mutation Breeding and Space Biology Research
T6 Automobile Industry: Carbon Reduction, from Designing to Running (draft)
T7 Space Education
T8 Space Technology and Industry Investment
T9 Space Power and Terrestrial Energy
Starting from the perspective of health the 2021 International Symposium on the Peaceful Use of Space Technology (Health), will include exploration of the peaceful application of space technology in global public health safety, spatial information, education, economic development and other fields. The goal is to build a global platform for academic exchanges, achievement showcasing and product trading of space technology, and promote cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises, facilitate the industrialization of innovation and application, and contribute to the community of health and shared future for mankind.
Preliminary Program will be available here.
The International Program Committee is composed of: Director: Bao Weimin, Vice Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), IAA member, Executive Director: Deng Yulin, President of the IAA Life Sciences Commission at the IAA, Dean of School of Life Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), David Alexander OBE, Director of Rice Space Institute, professor at the department of physics and astronomy, Rice University, Barbara Ghinelli, Director of Clusters and Campus Development at UKRI-Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Members are: Bao Weimin, Vice Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), IAA member, Deng Yulin, President of the IAA Life Sciences Commission at the IAA, Dean of School of Life Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), David Alexander OBE, Director of Rice Space Institute, professor at the department of physics and astronomy, Rice University, Lev Zelenyi, Member of the presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences, IAA member, Jean-Baptiste Desbois, General Manager of Cité de l’Espace, Director of the Cite de l’espace Museum, Toulouse, Barbara Ghinelli, Director of Clusters and Campus Development at UKRI-Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Oliver Contant, Director of Innovation and New Technology at the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Founding Director of the International Innovation Research Institute (IIRI).
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All media needs to be accredited to access the venue center. A link to media accreditations will be provided.
Find the leaflet including topic areas for papers...
On 19-20 November 2021 topic areas for papers include:
T1 Deepening Application of Spatial IT in New Era & Human Sustainable Development
In the 2020s, mankind faces major challenges such as environmental degradation, climate change, food security and public security. This Track is expected to enhance global communication and cooperation to promote and deepen the application of spatial IT in major fields like resource management, environmental monitoring, disaster prevention and mitigation, thus, to further promote the peaceful use of space science and technology and make benefits for the well-being of mankind.
T2 Space Law
This track discusses space law questions in the following topics:
Outer space safety
Outer space resource development and utilization
Space transportation management
LEO constellation of small satellites
Manned space
T3 Space Technology and Human Health
Discussing and exchanging opinions about the specific application of space technology in health and epidemic prevention and control.
T4 Green Space Propulsion Opportunities and Prospects
• Distinctive environmental challenges for sub-orbital, Earth to orbit and in-space propulsion.
• Greener space propulsion in chemical and non-chemical rocket, liquid, solid and hybrid rocket systems,
• Promising green space propellants for various space missions
• Advanced green propulsion systems for ramjet, scramjet, air-breathing, nuclear, electric, solar and other advanced rocket systems
T5 Space Mutation Breeding and Space Biology Research
This track will introduce progress of the basic scientific research in the molecular mechanism of space mutation breeding, and showcase the innovation and the cultivation and release of new varieties of germplasm resources such as staple food crops, horticultural crops, cash crops, forest, grass, flowers, Chinese herbal medicines, etc. It presents the latest application examples in the fields of industrial microorganisms and food processing and nutrition, and provides innovations and breakthroughs related to drug research and development obtained by using space mutagenesis technology in the field of medicine and health.
T6 Automobile Industry: Carbon Reduction, from Designing to Running (draft)
T7 Space Education
This track will introduce programs and discuss space education from a K12 student’s perspective. Experienced educators will share their insights on how to make space education attractive and inspirational.
T8 Space Technology and Industry Investment
Discussing topics on industry development trend and shares about enterprise technology application sharing.
T9 Space Power and Terrestrial Energy
It is crucial to identify research, develop and deploy affordable and sustainable new energy sources. This need is driven by a demand for energy to enable economic growth for a still-increasing global population. It is also driven by concerns regarding the long-term accumulation in Earth’s atmosphere of fossil fuel-derived greenhouse gases, and the prospect that annual production of petroleum will begin to decline. The challenge to transition current terrestrial energy systems into more environmentally friendly, sustainable ones is engaged. The whole range of power generation, conversion and storage will be discussed as well as the prospects for using space-based power plants to provide energy remotely to the Earth.
Technical paper abstracts (250 to 500 words in length) in the areas described above will be accepted electronically through the conference website. Please be sure to designate the topic area your paper addresses (see topics listed above). Please also indicate whether the abstract is eligible for the student competition. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is October 15, 2021. Letters of official acceptance will be mailed on or before November 1, 2021.
Full-length manuscripts or two-page extended abstracts are due by close of business on November 10, 2021. Revisions and corrections will be accepted within two weeks after the end of the conference. The format for papers is specified on the conference website. Accepted papers (including two-page extended abstracts and poster papers) will be published on the official conference proceedings and hosted at the IPSPACE website. Full-length manuscripts may be considered for publication in a special edition of Acta Astronautica.
One or more of the best student paper(s)/poster(s) will be awarded a prize. The aim of the student competition is to help promote academic work and informed political debate by enhancing research and general understanding essential for peaceful use of space technology on human health in years to come.
Find the submission process including templates and info regarding the student competition...
Abstract Submission
Please send your abstract to
Topic areas for papers (online and offline) include:
T1 Deepening Application of Spatial IT in New Era & Human Sustainable Development
T2 Space Law
T3 Space Technology and Human Health
T4 Green Space Propulsion Opportunities and Prospects
T5 Space Mutation Breeding and Space Biology Research
T6 Automobile Industry: Carbon Reduction, from Designing to Running (draft)
T7 Space Education
T8 Space Technology and Industry Investment
T9 Space Power and Terrestrial Energy
Technical paper abstracts (250 to 500 words in length) in the areas described above or related to planetary defense will be accepted electronically through the conference website (http://xxxxx) beginning October 1, 2021. Please be sure to designate the topic area your paper addresses (see topics listed above). Please also indicate whether the abstract is eligible for the student competition (see below). The deadline for receipt of abstracts is October 15, 2021. Letters of official acceptance will be mailed on or before November 1, 2021.
Full-length manuscripts or two-page extended abstracts are due by close of business on November 10, 2021. Revisions and corrections will be accepted within two weeks after the end of the conference. The format for papers is specified on the conference website. Accepted papers (including two-page extended abstracts and poster papers) will be published on the official conference proceedings and hosted at the IPSPACE website. Full-length manuscripts may be considered for publication in a special edition of Acta Astronautica.
One or more of the best student paper(s)/poster(s) will be awarded a prize. The aim of the student competition is to help promote academic work and informed political debate by enhancing research and general understanding essential for peaceful use of space technology on human health in years to come.
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