8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 2023

Vienna, Austria
IAA Planetary Defense Conference 20233-7 April 2023
Intro PDC 2023
8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference

8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
3-7 April 2023, Vienna, Austria
At the Vienna International Centre and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with ESA, the Commission for Geosciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and UNOOSA

Detailed conference report


Please find a detailed overview of the programme including abstracts, extended abstract and presentation documents

Conference materials – Decision-makers panel:
– The Near-Earth Objects and Planetary Defence brochure: https://www.unoosa.org/res/oosadoc/data/documents/2023/stspace/stspace73_0_html/st-space-073E.pdf
– The Decision-Tree:  https://prezi.com/view/1Ts9wLHCOwIfngjeo1em/
– The Pocket referencehttps://tinyurl.com/Draft-PDPR-2023
– The Decision-maker’s guidehttps://tinyurl.com/Draft-PDDG-2023

VIDEOS of the conference
2 April, 2023
DART and Planetary Defense
3 April, 2023
1st meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 2nd meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 4 April, 2023 3rd meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 4th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 5 April, 2023 5th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 6th  meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 6 April, 2023 7th  meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference 8th  meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
7 April
9th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference


Public events
“DART and Planetary Defence”:
Sunday, 2 April 2023, 4.30-8.00 p.m at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna
IMAX Asteroid Hunters:
Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 8.15-10.30 p.m. at the Cineplexx Donau Zentrum, Wagramerstraße 79, 1220 Wien

In-person attendance is currently fully booked due to the maximum capacity limit of the conference room used. Via below registration link it is still possible to register for online participation.
Use the following link to complete your booking for the conference fees and events:

PDC 2023 – Conference Events & Fees
The conference events are organized at an additional fee of €400.00 for regular participants/presenters and € 200.00 for students/retirees/pensioners. The events and hospitality planned include:
2 April: Public event at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on DART
3 April: Conference Welcoming Reception
4 April: Poster viewing reception
5 April: IMAX film screening “ASTEROID HUNTERS” and Planetary Society program at the “Cinneplex Donauzentrum”
6 April: Conference Banquet at Wiener Rathauskeller
Coffee and tea during the conference

Registration for all conference events is required by in-person participants as part of your conference registration. Members of the public can register for the DART event and the IMAX film screening via the dedicated links.

Key session topics will include:
Ongoing and Upcoming Mission Highlights
Hypothetical Asteroid Threat Exercise  https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/pd/cs/pdc23/
Key International and Policy Developments
Near-Earth Object (NEO) Discovery
Near-Earth Object (NEO) Characterization
Deflection / Disruption Modeling & Testing
Space Mission & Campaign Design
Impact Effects & Consequences
Disaster Management & Impact Response
Public Education and Communication
The Decision to Act: Political, Legal, Social and Economic Aspects

23 December 2022: Abstract Submission Deadline (Fully Extended)
20 January 2023: Author Acceptance Notifications Sent
20  March 2023: Deadline for Submitting Extended Abstracts / Full Manuscripts / Presentations / Posters
2 April 2023: Special Public Event Celebrating the DART Mission at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
3-7 April 2023: Planetary Defense Conference at the Vienna International Centre and Austrian Academy of Sciences

PDC 2021
Conference Program
General information on the program
About PDC 2023
soon available

Media are encouraged to register for the Conference.

Call For Papers

Find the leaflet including topic areas for papers...

Abstract Submission

Find the submission process including templates and authors guidelines

IAA Publications

Publications related to the conference


Registration link

Conference Venue
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