8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
3-7 April 2023, Vienna, Austria
At the Vienna International Centre and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with ESA, the Commission for Geosciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and UNOOSA
Detailed conference report
Please find a detailed overview of the programme including abstracts, extended abstract and presentation documents
Conference materials – Decision-makers panel:
– The Near-Earth Objects and Planetary Defence brochure: https://www.unoosa.org/res/oosadoc/data/documents/2023/stspace/stspace73_0_html/st-space-073E.pdf
– The Decision-Tree: https://prezi.com/view/1Ts9wLHCOwIfngjeo1em/
– The Pocket reference: https://tinyurl.com/Draft-PDPR-2023
– The Decision-maker’s guide: https://tinyurl.com/Draft-PDDG-2023
VIDEOS of the conference
2 April, 2023
DART and Planetary Defense
3 April, 2023
1st meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
2nd meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
4 April, 2023
3rd meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
4th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
5 April, 2023
5th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
6th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
6 April, 2023
7th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
8th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
7 April
9th meeting Outer Space: 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
Public events
“DART and Planetary Defence”:
Sunday, 2 April 2023, 4.30-8.00 p.m at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna
IMAX Asteroid Hunters:
Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 8.15-10.30 p.m. at the Cineplexx Donau Zentrum, Wagramerstraße 79, 1220 Wien
In-person attendance is currently fully booked due to the maximum capacity limit of the conference room used. Via below registration link it is still possible to register for online participation.
Use the following link to complete your booking for the conference fees and events:
PDC 2023 – Conference Events & Fees
The conference events are organized at an additional fee of €400.00 for regular participants/presenters and € 200.00 for students/retirees/pensioners. The events and hospitality planned include:
2 April: Public event at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on DART
3 April: Conference Welcoming Reception
4 April: Poster viewing reception
5 April: IMAX film screening “ASTEROID HUNTERS” and Planetary Society program at the “Cinneplex Donauzentrum”
6 April: Conference Banquet at Wiener Rathauskeller
Coffee and tea during the conference
Registration for all conference events is required by in-person participants as part of your conference registration. Members of the public can register for the DART event and the IMAX film screening via the dedicated links.
Key session topics will include:
Ongoing and Upcoming Mission Highlights
Hypothetical Asteroid Threat Exercise https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/pd/cs/pdc23/
Key International and Policy Developments
Near-Earth Object (NEO) Discovery
Near-Earth Object (NEO) Characterization
Deflection / Disruption Modeling & Testing
Space Mission & Campaign Design
Impact Effects & Consequences
Disaster Management & Impact Response
Public Education and Communication
The Decision to Act: Political, Legal, Social and Economic Aspects
23 December 2022: Abstract Submission Deadline (Fully Extended)
20 January 2023: Author Acceptance Notifications Sent
20 March 2023: Deadline for Submitting Extended Abstracts / Full Manuscripts / Presentations / Posters
2 April 2023: Special Public Event Celebrating the DART Mission at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
3-7 April 2023: Planetary Defense Conference at the Vienna International Centre and Austrian Academy of Sciences

Programme–at–a–glance (April 6th update)
Sunday, 2 April 2023, 4.30-8.00 p.m
at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna
Program Committee
Bill | Ailor | The Aerospace Corporation (Retired) |
Brent | Barbee | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center / University of Maryland |
Gerhard | Drolshagen | University of Oldenburg |
Alex | Karl | Space Applications Services |
Nahum | Melamed | The Aerospace Corporation |
Rudolf | Albrecht | |
James (Gerbs) | Bauer | University of Maryland |
Randy | Belll | The Aerospace Corporation |
Bruce | Betts | The Planetary Society |
Linda | Billings | Consultant to NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office |
Mark | Boslough | Los Alamos National Laboratory / University of New Mexico |
Marina | Brozovic | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Ian | Carnelli | ESA |
Clark | Chapman | Southwest Research Intitute |
Andrew | Cheng | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Paul | Chodas | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Jean-Michel | Contant | International Academy of Astronautics |
R. | Daly | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Doris | Daou | NASA/Planetary Defense Coordination Office |
Fabrice | Dennemont | International Academy of Astronautics |
Jessie | Dotson | NASA/Ames Research Center |
Michael | Egan | NASA/HQ |
Kelly | Fast | NASA/Planetary Defense Coordination Office |
Dawn | Graninger | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Mariella | Graziano | GMV Aerospace and Defence |
Phil | Groves | Documentary Filmmaker, ASTEROID HUNTERS |
Alissa | Haddaji | Harvard Law School |
Joshua | Handal | NASA/HQ |
Alan | Harris | Jet Propulsion Laboratory (retired) |
Curtis | Iwata | The Aerospace Corporation |
Lindley | Johnson | NASA/Planetary Defense Coordination Office |
Thomas | Jones | Association of Space Explorers |
Andrea | Kleinsasser | Austrian Federal Ministry for Innovation & Technology |
Christian | Koeberl | University of Vienna |
Romana | Kofler | United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) |
Detlef | Koschny | ESA and Chair of Astronautics, TU Munich/Germany |
Peter | Kraan | ESA Conference Bureau Service Provider |
Rob | Landis | NASA/Johnson Space Center |
Leviticus (L.A.) | Lewis | DHS/FEMA |
Ed | Lu | B612 Asteroid Institute / LEOLabs |
Amy | Mainzer | University of Arizona |
Irmgard | Marboe | University of Vienna |
Stephan | Mayer | Austrian Research Promotion Agency |
Patrick | Michel | Univ. Côte d’Azur; Observatory, Cote d’Azur, CNRS |
David | Morrison | SETI Institute |
Lea | Nagel | University of Vienna |
Jan | Osburg | RAND |
Cordula | Panosch | University of Vienna |
Ryan | Park | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Gisela | Poesges | Geopark Ries e. V., Nördlingen, Germany |
Andy | Rivkin | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Liu | Sen | China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center |
Angela | Stickle | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Megan | Syal | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Marco | Tantardini | Consultant, former Space Policy Officer in the Office of the Italian Prime Minister |
Karel | van der Hucht | SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research |
George | Vardaxis | The Aerospace Corporation |
Lorien | Wheeler | NASA/Ames Research Center |
Makoto | Yoshikawa | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) |
Bruno | Sarlli | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center |
Connor | Mulrenin | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center |
Richard | Moissl | ESTEC – European Space Research and Technology Centre |
Juan | Cano | ESA/ESRIN NEO Coordination Centre (NEOCC), Planetary Defence Office |
Joshua | Lyzhoft | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center |
Kai | Wünnemann | Museum für Naturkunde Berlin / Leibniz-Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science |
Michael | Simpson | The Aerospace Corporation |
Andrea Kleinsasser, Austrian Ministry of Climate Action and Energy
Stephan Mayer, Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Aeronautics and Space Agency
Irmgard Marboe, University of Vienna
Christian Koeberl, Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of Vienna
Viktor Bruckman, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Rudolf Albrecht, Austrian Space Forum
Ludovic Ferriere, Natural History Museum Vienna
Thomas Hollensteiner, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna)
Romana Kofler, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
The 2023 PDC Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario
A hypothetical asteroid impact scenario will be presented at the 2023 IAA Planetary Defense Conference (PDC).
Although this scenario is realistic in many ways, it is completely fictional and does NOT describe an actual potential asteroid impact.
Please see the link below:
Exercise participants, especially those less familiar with Planetary Defense, are also encouraged to review these two documents prior to the exercise:
– Planetary Defense Pocket Reference (draft): https://tinyurl.com/Draft-PDPR-2023
– Planetary Defense Decisionmaker Guide (draft): https://tinyurl.com/Draft-PDDG-2023
Media are encouraged to register for the Conference.
Contacts for Media:
Media are invited to register and they will be contacted by the organizers.
Information for media:
Find the leaflet including topic areas for papers...
Leaflet is now available: pdf version leaflet.
Call for Papers
Papers are solicited in the areas listed below for the 2023 IAA Planetary Defense Conference, hosted by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, in cooperation with the European Space Agency, the Commission for Geosciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and under the auspices of the International Academy of
Astronautics (IAA). Papers/posters eligible for the student competition should be indicated as such during submission.
Limited financial support for students may be available; please contact conference chairs.
A broad theme of the conference is to highlight technologies, techniques, missions, data sets, and processes that have been and must be developed to support planetary defense and strengthen international cooperation for protecting the Earth from impact hazards associated with asteroids and comets. Special highlights include recent space missions related to planetary defense, a hypothetical asteroid threat exercise, and panel discussions by decision-makers, legal experts, disaster managers and others.
Topic areas for papers include:
Ongoing and Upcoming Mission Highlights
• Current and proposed space missions to inform and test planetary defense technologies
• Highlights of DART, Hera, Hayabusa2, OSIRIS REx/APEX, NEO Surveyor, Apophis, etc.
Hypothetical Asteroid Threat Exercise
• The details of the hypothetical asteroid threat exercise will soon become available in full at
• Any contributions to the topics below based upon the exercise are welcome
Key International and Policy Developments
• Policy planning and developments towards an international planetary defense strategy
• National and international activities, strategies and plans for planetary defense
• Proposal for International Year of Planetary Defense in 2029
Near-Earth Object (NEO) Discovery
• Current NEO survey progress, requirements, and goals for future surveys
• Astronomical and space-based techniques for discovery of NEOs
• Prospects for future NEO survey systems and efforts (e.g., LSST)
Near-Earth Object (NEO) Characterization
• Findings related to characterizing NEO physical, dynamical, and orbital properties.
• Characterization of properties most crucial to planetary defense mission success and disaster preparation and mitigation planning.
• Technologies to characterize NEOs via remote sensing and spacecraft flyby/rendezvous/landing.
• Current and planned flight missions to NEOs; Opportunities from NEO close approaches.
Deflection / Disruption Modeling & Testing
• Results of modeling/experimentation that characterize effects of proposed NEO deflection and disruption
techniques and technologies
• Progress on key technologies needed to deflect, disrupt, or otherwise mitigate hazardous NEOs
Space Mission & Campaign Design
• Development and validation of critical technologies for planetary defense.
• Designs for planetary defense flight validation missions.
• Design of in-space mission campaigns to respond to hazardous NEOs (reconnaissance, characterization, mitigation).
Impact Effects & Consequences
• Hazards of individual impactors; ensemble hazard integrated over the predicted population of impactors
• Analysis tools that could aid decision makers.
• Process of atmospheric break-up and airbursts for a variety of NEO types and lessons learned based on Tunguska and Chelyabinsk super-bolides
• Transition from regional to global effects as a function of impactor size, location, and other factors.
• New results on the effects of ocean and land NEO impacts and related damage footprints.
• Short- and long-term post-impact effects on the atmosphere, environment, near-Earth space and space systems (e.g., communications)
Disaster Management & Impact Response
• Lessons learned from past natural disaster responses, exercises, alerts, public education, risk communications strategies and warnings, and their application to Planetary Defense Management.
• Review of current and near-future disaster response plans and preparations specific to NEO impacts, incl. communication strategies for warning and informing decision makers, the general public and others.
• International perspective on disaster management in view of regional and national assets.
Public Education and Communication
• Current status of planetary defense / NEO-related communication and public education efforts, including dissemination, alerts, public engagement, student programs, outreach initiatives, etc.
• Concepts for improving trusted NEO / planetary defense public education and communication.
The Decision to Act: Political, Legal, Social and Economic Aspects
• Outlook on current and future national and international planetary defense / NEO-response policies and decision-making processes, including any envisioned participation of nations’ military organizations in planetary defense.
• International coordination and collaboration, and distribution of responsibilities for planetary defense.
• Legal aspects of NEO mitigation.
• Cost effectiveness of mitigation options.
• Short and long term economic, political, and social consequences of a serious threat or an impact
• Ethics of Planetary Defense.
STUDENT COMPETITION: One or more of the best student paper(s)/poster(s) will be awarded a prize. The aim
of the student competition is to help promote academic work and informed political debate by enhancing research
and general understanding essential for sound decision making on NEO impact threats in years to come.
Find the submission process including templates and authors guidelines
2023 Planetary Defense Conference
Abstract Submission (closed)
Technical paper abstracts (250 to 500 words in length) in the areas described in the Call for Papers or related to planetary defense were accepted electronically through the conference website.
Please be sure to designate the topic area your paper addresses (see topics listed in the Call for Papers).
Please also indicate whether the abstract is eligible for the student competition (see below). The deadline for receipt of abstracts is December 23, 2022 (Fully Extended).
Letters of official acceptance will be mailed on or before January 20, 2023.
PAPERS: Full-length manuscripts or two-page extended abstracts are due by close of business on March 20, 2023. Revisions and corrections will be accepted within two weeks after the end of the conference. The format for papers is specified on the conference website. Accepted papers (including two-page extended abstracts and
poster papers) will be published on the official conference proceedings and hosted at the IAA website. Full-length manuscripts may be considered for publication in a special issue of Acta Astronautica.
Template files
Please download the PDC 2023 abstract template file.
Poster size
Maximum poster size is 120 cm width x 150 cm height
Registration link
The 2023 IAA Planetary Defense Conference will be held in Vienna at the Vienna International Centre from 3-6 April and at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on 7 April. A pre-conference event on the DART mission will be held on 2 April at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which will also be open to the public and media. A number of conference events are planned to be held alongside the Conference.
During the registration process you will indicate if you will be present in-person in Vienna or join online. If you choose to present in-person in Vienna a twostep process is requested. After officially registering you will receive a confirmation with a link to complete the process by booking the conference side events and fees. The official conference side events and fees are:
€ 400.00 (regular participants/presenters)
€ 200.00 (students/retirees/pensioners)
Registration Link: https://atpi.eventsair.com/23a01—8th-planetary-defense-conference/conference-registration
The Conference will be held at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Wagramerstrasse 5, Vienna, Austria.
And at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, Vienna, Austria.
If you require a room for the 1st of April outside the room blocks, please contact the hotel directly to check availability and book the room directly with the hotel. Rooms on the 1st of April are based upon availability and current public rates.
IBIS Budget Wien Messe **
Lassallestrasse 7
1020 Vienna, Austria
Check-in possible from April 2nd 2023
Check-out possible until April 8th 2023
€ 75.00 per room per night Single use, including breakfast
€ 83.50 per room per night Double use, including breakfast
Rates can be booked via the enclosed special booking form.
Arcotel Kaiserwasser ****
Wagramer Strasse 8
1220 Vienne, Austria
Check-in possible from April 2nd 2023
Check-out possible until April 8th 2023
€ 149.00 per room per night Single use, including breakfast
€ 159.00 per room per night Double use, including breakfast
Rates can be booked via the following website: www.kaiserwasser.arcotel.com
During booking provide the Promo Code: IAAPDC
NH Danube City ****
Wagramer Strasse 21
1220 Vienne, Austria
Reservations from now on are only available upon availability and at the standard rates. Reservations from now on can be made via the following link;